
Journal ISSN: 0908-665X

About Xenotransplantation

    Xenotransplantation, which is published bi-monthly, provides its readers with rapid communication of new findings in the field of organ and tissue transplantation across species barriers. Unsolicited contributions of full length and brief communications dealing with both basic and applied studies in this field will be considered for publication pending scientific review to assure high quality. In addition, review articles of timely subjects will be solicited by the editors.<br/><br/>Xenotransplantation is the journal for all those who wish to stay at the forefront of this fast developing and emerging field.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 3.3 - -
2022 3.9 - 2308
2021 3.788 - 1956
2020 3.907 78 2129
2019 - -
2018 3.484 64 1689
2017 4.717 50 1479
2016 3.961 41 1445
2015 3.789 50 1477
2014 2.840 52 1159
2013 1.779 38 817
2012 2.565 43 947
2011 2.326 34 836
2010 2.067 51 901